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Storytelling. One Frame At A Time

Whether it’s a corporate video that speaks professionalism, commercials that tug your heartstrings or an engaging coverage of events—we have you covered!

Our Video Production Services

Let Otaku be your storyteller from concept to creation, as we reimagine and bring life to the ideas that matter most for a voice in all things branding

Set Free Your Artistic Great Talents

As per the screening needs, we have hired a team of extremely talented film-makers, editors and story-tellers who are not only passionate about their work but they also create visually stunning yet emotionally felt videos that can connect with your very target audience.

Tailored Solutions

We believe that each project is individual, and as such we are proud to be in creating personalized solutions which sit alongside what your brand stands for with the care and dedication it deserves.

Versatility at Its Best

Be it the subtlety of corporate videos, marketability in commercials; life through event coverage or justification within documentaries and animation, our skills are limitless when conceptualizing a creation.

Ahead of the Pack with Technology Trends

We never lag in the latest video production tech — keeping your content not only current, but setting the bar for what lies just ahead.

Effective Collaboration

We take the time to really understand your vision and are truly collaborative with you every step of the way so that we create a digital product that not only meets, but exceeds your high standards.

Punctuality and Fiscal Responsibility

With a commitment to sticking within the timelines and budget of your production process, it will be streamlined and stress free. Your project, our pride.

Our Video Production Portfolio
Our Video Production Services

All set to dazzle your audience and make sure they never forget you after the sales pitch? Look no further and see what our high-quality video production services have to offer!

Video Pre-production Services

Have you prepared to make sure that no one forgets your sales pitch? Check out our quality video production services today. We know your time is precious and that a good sales pitch will attract immediate attention, holds many more chances.

For Filming: The experienced videographers will take care of your vision We will articulate your message on film with clarity, so that viewers see the best of your product or service. We will make every frame count, from close-ups to wide shots.

Light & Sound: Details that make the difference. In this way, we focus on good lighting and sound. We really know how to create an environment that compliments your message where the audio is perfectly clear and makes your sales pitch sound truly professional.

Direction: A good director will be your ship captain to steer the actors and crew in creating that perfect shot you see in your head. With our help, you can rest assured that tackles your sales pitch with ease and speaks with both confidence and credibility.

The B-Roll: Often, the devil is in the details. By taking advantage of our B-roll footage, we can tailor the editing process to highlight your key points and give further context in order to draw an even larger audience.

Don’t leave your sales pitch to luck. Allow our video production team to create a message that shines over your elevator pitch, one they can remember in the moment. Now you can awe your clients and close those deals. Give us a call today so we can help you create your next great sales pitch video.

Video Production Services

A persuasive sales pitch video is a game-changer in the business arena. The pre-production process is designed to position you for success and make sure your message lands. Here’s how we make it happen:

Understanding and Ideation: Our journey starts with investigating, what is your brand trying to say. What are you selling and to whom? We conceptualize the purpose, message and demographic behind your educational video to align it with potential enquiries.

Script Writing: After our minds are fixed, then we write a script in order to make sure that detailed your fool-proof plan would be cleverly communicated. Our writers are skilled at making every word matter, and they will write copy that conveys your argument and brand message in voice overs or dialogue so the visual layer of storytelling is directly linked to a strong concept framework.

Storyboard: Now this is where we work with you to bring your script into a storyboard or shot list. This gives our production team a visual map of how each scene should look and tells the story in such as way that it delivers your message.

Casting & Talent Selection: If you are featuring actors or presenters in your sales pitch video, we audition for the best suited person/s. We want to select a group of people who will serve as great representatives for your message and get some conversation going with relatives, personal friends etc.

Location Scouting: We scout suitable locations for filming that fits in as per the script. From a corporate office to dense cityscape or serene natural setting, we study chosen spaces that make your message sing.

Production Schedule: We develop a production schedule in order to keep the process efficient. This schedule helps to plan and track where each scene will be shot – so that everything unfolds in the order best for your viewer.

Budget: Because we respect your budget. For this reason, we design a detailed budget spreading costs throughout pre-production production and post ensuring that the entire project is transparent to you with no surprises.

Equipment & Crew: Production Holy Grail #1; Directors, camera operators, lighting technicians and other specialists on our team are experienced professionals who can help you realize your vision.

Your sales pitch video will have a well-rounded base due to our meticulously planned pre- production process. It makes sure your message is understandable, compelling and targeted to who you want it to be for: video that actually has a chance of creating impact in the world of business.

Video Post-Production Services (Editing)

That’s where the magic happens, post-production is the secret of those successful sales pitch videos. Our experts craft your unedited videos into well-articulated messaging that is impossible to ignore. Here’s how we do it:

Video Editing: Our seasoned video editors will edit the raw footage and turn it into a story that engages. We cut, edit and assemble the best portions of your video messages to make sure that they are fluid. Music, Sound Effects and Graphics are overlaid on to give an edge to the overall viewer experience.

Color Correction and Grading: We can make your video pop in such a way that makes it visually appealing as we utilize color correction and grading. This keeps the visual quality consistent, making it look better and creating a long lasting image to your audience.

Sound Editing: Clean sound is absolutely essential to make even a basic sales pitch video work. After the shoot, our sound editors polish up that audio and add in some music underneath as well as any voiceovers that are necessary for a video. It enhances the audible impact and it supports your statement.

Video Effects: Some videos require video effects or also some animations, e.g. a time-lapse of calling.. in those instances our videographers simply incorporate them into the footage to make your message engaging and appealing to watch!

Graphics & Titles: Visual graphics or on screen animatics are designed to have a context defined by the title. Visual support like this will make your message easy to follow and memorable.

Review and Feedback: Your feedback is a great way of showing us that our ideas are on track. Our team further edits the video and sends it over to you for approval. You provide us your perspective to make sure that the outcome is in line with what you wish and is flawless as per all points.

Our video production expertise ensures that your sales pitch video is a powerful and effective tool after post-production. It’s poised to engage your customers, make a lasting impact and deliver with whatever you are trying to accomplish when doing business. All set to amaze your clients and win the deals? Get in touch with us now to step your sales pitch up a level!

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